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24/7 Hsting Services

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24/7 Hsting Services Empty 24/7 Hsting Services

Post  Xneonx Fri Jul 30, 2010 9:52 pm

Hello everyone. Do you have a server that you want to host so bad but you can't? Well you're in luck, because I will be hosting up to 10 servers at once and the only time they will be down is when I will be updating the host IP (which doesn't take but a second ^_^). So if you want your very own server to be hosted 24/7, then send me an email at There is a small fee for me hosting and I have a couple options to choose from: 1 month = $5 2 months = $8.25 and 3 months = $11. Thanks for joining Ags-Scape and I hope this helps you and your server. (^_^)


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-07-29

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